Invasive frog claims another continent
A new population of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) has become established on mainland China, according to a new publication by C·I·B Core Team Member, John Measey.
A new population of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) has become established on mainland China, according to a new publication by C·I·B Core Team Member, John Measey.
Tadpoles of endemic frog species on the Andaman archipelago (1200 km east of the Indian mainland) do not survive high levels of predation by invasive Indian bullfrogs larvae...
Ungulates refer to animals with hooves and include 257 species across the world. These generally large-bodied mammals move diaspores (any part of a plant that plays a role in plant dispersal e.g. spores, seeds, fruits) of nearly half of the plant species available within their home range.
Uncertainty is part and parcel of any scientific field. The point of scientific research is to acquire knowledge and to deal with different types of uncertainty to improve our understanding of natural phenomena and help us make projections about the future.
The leaf nitrogen dynamics of invading Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) under conditions of varying water availability in fynbos riparian zones have not yet been examined. C·I·B student Casparus Crous (South African Environmental Observation Network), C·I·B Core Member Karen Esler and colleagues had a closer look at the nitrogen dynamics across fynbos riparian zones in the south-western Cape.