Sharing knowledge to improve management outcomes: the CAPE Invasive Alien Animals Working Group

Understanding and managing biological invasions requires a whole range of different skills, but often scientists and managers can feel that they are working in isolation. This is where communities of practice have been found to be useful in closing the gap between invasive species researchers and practitioners.

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Read more about the article Miniature Guttural Toads on Mauritius and Réunion stun researchers
Guttural Toads, native to mainland Africa, were deliberately introduced from Durban to Mauritius in 1922 in an attempt to biocontrol the cane beetle, and from there moved to Réunion in 1927 as a biocontrol of malarial carrying mosquitoes. Photo credit: James Baxter-Gilbert

Miniature Guttural Toads on Mauritius and Réunion stun researchers

Researchers from the DSI/NRF Centre for Invasion Biology at Stellenbosch University have found that, scarcely a hundred years after Guttural Toads were introduced to the islands of Mauritius and Réunion, their overall body size has been reduced by up to a third compared to their counterparts in South Africa.

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Read more about the article Unscrambling the egg: resolving the introduction history for Silver wattle
Silver wattle (Acacia dealbata) invading along a river in Chile. (Photo credit: A. Pauchard)

Unscrambling the egg: resolving the introduction history for Silver wattle

Researchers at the Centre for Invasion Biology (C·I·B) at Stellenbosch University, found that the introduction histories of the globally important invasive tree Silver wattle (Acacia dealbata) are complex and cannot be generalized.

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Read more about the article Invasive rodents widely traded in the pet trade industry in Gauteng Province
Photograph credit: Shivambu N

Invasive rodents widely traded in the pet trade industry in Gauteng Province

The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) and the house mouse (Mus musculus) are some of the world’s worst invasive rodent species. They are known to spread zoonotic diseases, damage crops and  household items, outcompete native species for food, and prey on some bird species.

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