Read more about the article Biodiversity of natural forests key to buffer severity of non-native tree invasions
Photos from left to right: Black Locust; Osage orange; Tree of Heaven; pictures from iNaturalist under CC-BY-NC (credits: Dave Richardson, Rosario, and Gehardt).

Biodiversity of natural forests key to buffer severity of non-native tree invasions

A study, co-authored by CIB Core Team member Prof Cang Hui, has found that the native biodiversity of natural forests largely buffers the severity of non-native tree invasions.

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Join us for the National Symposium on Biological Invasions 2023

The Stellenbosch University Centre for Invasion Biology (C·I·B) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) are collaborating to host the National Symposium on Biological Invasions 2023.

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In Memory – David Le Maitre

I was deeply saddened to receive the news that our colleague David Le Maitre (C·I·B Associate) had passed away after his three-year battle with cancer. I have known David since…

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Read more about the article Post-graduate students showcase projects at C·I·B Research Meeting
The C·I·B team, as well as online participants, at this year’s C·I·B Annual Research Meeting (Photo credit: Anton Jordaan)

Post-graduate students showcase projects at C·I·B Research Meeting

On 22 November, the Centre for Invasion Biology (C·I·B) hosted its Annual Research Meeting in Stellenbosch.

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