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Functional responses as a tool in invasion ecology

Stellenbosch University Merriman Avenue, Stellenbosch, Western Cape

Biological invasions are occurring at an increasing rate globally and are coupled with growing costs of control and mitigation. Effective and robust methods are therefore required to enable reliable prediction of impacts of new and emerging invasive species to better inform management decisions. A recent approach for investigating invader impact focuses on the functional response, […]

Science communication training: Fame Lab Heat and Competition

Stellenbosch University Merriman Avenue, Stellenbosch, Western Cape

The Centre for Invasion Biology is taking new initiative in the challenging task of bringing science to the public. The C·I·B, together with the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST), will host the FameLab science communication training and heat exclusively for students from the five DST-NRF Centres of Excellence affiliated with Stellenbosch […]

43rd Annual Research Symposium on the Management of Biological Invasions

ATKV Goudini Spa Worcester, Western Cape

The 43rd Annual Research Symposium on the Management of Biological Invasions in South Africa will be held from 18 to 20 May 2016 at Goudini Spa near Worcester, Western Cape. Themes Status of invasions (taxa, protected areas, biomes, catchments) Status of impacts (magnitude and trends) Efficacy of interventions View PDF

Non-native species in urban environments

Lanzerac Stellenbosch, Western Cape

Themes: • Non-native species distribution & spread • Impacts of non-native species • Attitudes & perceptions • Managing biological invasions in cities View PDF

Up your game: Make your efforts count

University of Pretoria Hatfield Experimental Farm, Hatfield

Personal development is a life long journey to unlock our potential and find our niche in life. This workshop is designed to help you on this journey of knowing yourself and unlocking your potential. The topics cover the main aspects of life and illuminate how these affect your ability to perform at your best in […]

Model Groups Workshop

Stellenbosch University Merriman Avenue, Stellenbosch, Western Cape

The main aim of the workshop will be to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of focusing on functional or taxonomic groups when studying biological invasions from (1) a theoretical and (2) a practical point of view. Download PDF

FABI International Seminar Series

Online Event | Co-host C·I·B

The FABI International Seminar Series provides an opportunity for our research community to continue discussions on various topics. Our guest speakers will cover a wide range of topics related to plant health. Our monthly virtual seminars are open to all registered participants ensuring a wide audience.

C·I·B Annual Research Meeting

Online event

The C∙I∙B will host its Annual Research Meeting online on 18 - 19 November. The meeting is open to members of the C∙I∙B and invited guests.

National symposium on biological invasions 2023

Houw Hoek Hotel

The Stellenbosch University Centre for Invasion Biology (C·I·B) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) are collaborating to host the National Symposium on Biological Invasions 2023.