Schaffner, U., van Wilgen, B.W., Ehrensperger, A. & Bekele, K. (eds) 2024. The Ecology and Management of Invasive Prosopis Trees in Eastern Africa. CABI Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-80062-362-0 | |
Richardson, D.M., le Roux, J.J. & Marchante, E. (eds) 2023. Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK. ISBN : 978-1-80062-217-3 |
Do Linh San, E., Sato, J.J., Belant, J.L. & Somers, M.J. (eds.) 2022. Small Carnivores: Evolution, Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. ISBN: 978-1-118-94326-7 | |
Measey, John. 2022. How to publish in Biological Sciences: a guide for the uninitiated. CRC Press, Boca Raton. ISBN: 9781032116419 | |
Holmes, P.M., Esler, K.J., Geerts, S., Ngwenya, D.K., Rebelo, A.G., Dorse, C., van der Merwe, J., Retief, K., Hall, S.W., Grey, P., Nsikani, MM. 2022. Guidelines for Restoring Lowland Sand Fynbos Ecosystems. Self-published. ISBN: 978-0-620-98765-3 | |
Measey, John. 2021. How to Write a PhD in Biological Science: A Guide for the Uninitiated. CRC Press. ISBN: 9781032080208. | |
Wood, A., Fourie, A. Krug, A. and Gordon, T. (2021) A Guide to the Biological Control of Alien Invasive Hakea Species. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 22. Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria. 60pp, ISBN 978-0-620-92692-8. | |
Downs, C.T. and Hart, L.A. (2020) Invasive Birds: Global Trends and Impacts. CABI International, UK. 400pp, ISBN 9781789242065. | |
Traveset, A. and Richardson, D.M. (2020). Plant Invasions: The Role of Biotic Interactions. CABI International, UK. 480 pp, ISBN: 9781789242171. | |
Van Wilgen, B., Measey, J., Richardson, D.M., Wilson, J.R. and Zengeya, T.A. (2020) Biological Invasions in South Africa. Springer. 975pp, ISBN 978-3-030-32394-3. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32394-3 | |
Hui, C and Richardson, D.M. (2017) Invasion Dynamics. Oxford University Press, UK. 336pp, ISBN 9780198745341. Receive a 20% discount when ordering online. | |
Wilson, J.R., Panetta, F.D. and Lindgren, C. (2016). Detecting and Responding to Alien Plant Incursions. Cambridge University Press. 282pp, ISBN 978-1107479487. | |
Foxcroft, L.C., Pyšek, P., Richardson, D.M. and Genovesi, P. (2013). Plant Invasions in Protected Areas: Patterns, Problems and Challenges Springer. 656 pp, ISBN: 978-94-007-7750-7. | |
Somers, M.J. and Hayward, M.W. (2012). Fencing for conservation: Restriction of evolutionary potential or a riposte to threatening processes? Springer, New York. 320 pp, ISBN: 978-1-4614-0901-4. | |
Richardson, D.M. (2011). Fifty years of invasion ecology. The legacy of Charles Elton. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. 456 pp, ISBN 978-1-4443-3586-6. Special offer less 20% | |
Picker, M., Griffiths, C. (2011) Alien & Invasive Animals: A South African Perspective. Struik Nature. 248pp, ISBN 9781770078239. | |
Herbert, D.G. (2010) The Introduced Terrestrial Mollusca of South Africa. SANBI, Pretoria. 108 pp, ISBN 9781919976563. | |
Terauds, A., Cooper, J., Chown, S.L. & Ryan, P. (2010) Marion & Prince Edward. Africa’s Southern Islands. SunPress, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. 176 pp, ISBN 978-1-920338-42-8. | |
Hayward, M.W. & Somers, M. (2009) Reintroduction of Top-Order Predators. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, London. 459 pp, ISBN: 978-1-4051-7680-4. | |
Joubert, L. (2009) Invaded: The Biological Invasion of South Africa. Wits University Press, Witwatersrand. 368 pp, ISBN 978-1868144785. | |
Chown, S.L. & Froneman, P.W. (2008) The Prince Edward Islands. Land-Sea Interactions in a Changing Ecosystem. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch. 470 pp, ISBN 978-1-920109-85-1. | |
Samways, M.J. (2008) Dragonflies and Damselflies of South Africa. Pensoft, Bulgaria. 297 pp, ISBN 978-954-642-330-6. | |
Hänel, C., Chown, S.L. & Gaston, K.J. (2005) Gough Island. A Natural History. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch. 169 pp, ISBN 1-920109-03-X. |