Dr Emily McCulloch-Jones
Measuring the impact of tree invasions and developing repeatable methods for continued evaluationDr Geethen Singh
Mapping invasive trees and burn areas using remotely sensed dataDr Lehlohonolo Donald Adams
Understanding invasion potential and risk of fleshy-fruited invasive shrubs and trees in South Africa.Dr Luke Potgieter
Using citizen-science to understand drivers of urban biological invasions
Mr Bheka Nxele
Validating the Influence of Chemical Application for Invasive Alien Plant Control on Biodiversity Recruitment and Ecosystem ServicesMr Phuluso Mudau
Invasion and management of pompom weed, Campuloclinium macrocephalum (Less.) DC (Asteraceae) in South AfricaMr Siphosenkosi Mbonani
Genomics and defence mechanisms of Opuntia engelmannii Salm-Dyck (Cactaceae: Opuntioideae) lineages in Africa, as the basis for host-selection by potential biocontrol agents.Mr Thozamile Yapi
A Systems Approach to Understanding the Social-Ecological Dynamics of Wattles in Rangeland EcosystemsMs Alekzandra Szewczuk
Detection and mapping of three prevalent invasive alien plants (IAP) using freely available remote sensing imageryMs Clara Steyn
Long term change in kelp forest ecosystems on the west and south-west coasts of South Africa
Megan van den Berg
The invasive alien tree fern Sphaeropteris cooperi in South Africa and on Reunion Island