Read more about the article Innovative management protocol for PSHB based on citizen science
Priority monitoring areas (1km2 grid cells) based on polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB) reproductive host density and their proximity to plant biomass sites for (a) all reproductive hosts, and (b) Acer negundo. Red = high priority, green = low priority. A visual survey of a high priority Acer negundo monitoring site identified in our protocol detected a new PSHB infestation outside a nursery (photo credit: LJ Potgieter, 18 February 2023). Data from iNaturalist ( and, Accessed 14 February 2023)

Innovative management protocol for PSHB based on citizen science

CIB researchers develop an innovative protocol to map priority areas for detecting new and expanding polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB) infestations in urban areas.

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Read more about the article Volunteers in the management of invasive alien plants
Figure 1. Identified volunteer groups (52) in Western Cape of South Africa. Groups that participated in the survey (26) are indicated by circles that also show group sizes (individual members per group). Groups that did not participate in the survey are indicated by blue circles. The green area on the map represents the fynbos biome.

Volunteers in the management of invasive alien plants

Volunteers play an important role in invasive alien plant species (IAPS) management and are likely to continue doing so into the future. Better co-ordination and engagement between volunteers and mandated authorities on science, policy and management are required to improve the volunteer groups and keep volunteers motivated to manage IAPS.

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