Read more about the article Ecological restoration needs sharing of knowledge to be successful
Workshop on secondary invasion with researchers and practitioners working on biological invasions in South Africa organised by the CIB in 2019. Image: Mlungele Nsikani

Ecological restoration needs sharing of knowledge to be successful

Restoration efforts need to ensure that project components are informed by relevant stakeholders, and this would require (1) identifying and working with stakeholders during a restoration effort; (2) recognising the unique needs and contributions of stakeholder groups; and (3) providing information back to stakeholders through outreach.

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Read more about the article Habitat linked to the level of signalling in lizards
Schreiber's fringe-fingered lizard (Acanthodactylus schreiberi) (Photo credit: Aviad Ba;

Habitat linked to the level of signalling in lizards

C·I·B post-doctoral fellow, Dr Shelley Edwards, is a co-author on a recently published study looking at links between the chemical communication system of lizards and their environment.

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