A framework for engaging stakeholders on the management of alien species

As conflict of interests around alien species can prevent the success of management actions, an international team of researchers and managers, including C·I·B researchers, have recently developed a 12-step framework for engaging stakeholders on the management of alien species.

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Read more about the article The negative impacts of <em>Prosopis</em> invasions outweigh its benefits
The study found that most households use both native trees and/or mesquite for fuelwood. However, the majority of stakeholders across ten communities in the Northern Cape still use native trees more than mesquite. (Photo credit: Ross Shackleton)

The negative impacts of Prosopis invasions outweigh its benefits

Many invasive species provide both benefits and costs to society and the environment. These benefits include aesthetic values, but also provide resources such as timber, fuelwood, fodder and food.

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