C·I·B researcher analyse pathways of biological invasions

Invasions of alien species begin with the human-assisted movement of living individuals or propagules across biogeo­graphic barriers. As a result, the contributions of specific path­ways to introduction and subsequent invasion—and the changes in the importance of pathways over time—are receiving increasing attention from scientists and poli­cymakers.

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Read more about the article Drivers of global change: interactions of invasive species and habitat loss
An experimental tank with an example of intermediate densities of the simulated habitat complexity. Photo credit: Mhairi Alexander

Drivers of global change: interactions of invasive species and habitat loss

Global biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate. Causes of these declines include the destruction of natural habitats as a result of human development, and the introduction of non-native species.

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Getting the measure of tree invasions

“If you can't measure it, you can't manage it” is, as with all such well-worn phrases, only partly true. But to adapt another such maxim, while we might be able to make progress without measurement, we do need proof to satisfy everyone else.

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