Read more about the article Identifying invasion syndromes to improve our capacity of understanding and managing biological invasions
Framework explaining the concept of invasion syndromes

Identifying invasion syndromes to improve our capacity of understanding and managing biological invasions

For decades, invasion scientists have been trying to identify generalisations that can allow us to understand which species will become invasive in the future, where and how they will be introduced, which impacts they will have in the invaded areas, and how we can efficiently manage them.

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Read more about the article The role of core researchers in shaping collaboration networks and research futures
Blue nodes represent core authors, green- newcomers joining during and after 2011, red-authors left network before or during 2011, and yellow-authors with once off involvement in 2011. Link colour represents when links were formed. Wider links are indicative of a higher frequency of co-authorship. Black links were established between 1997-2004, grey-2005-2011 and red-2012-2017. Triangular nodes represent continuant authors in the 2004 peak. Links between red nodes and their neighbours represent ties that were established and then severed over the 1997 to 2011 period. The more articles co-authored by an author the larger the node (see Abrahams et al 2019).

The role of core researchers in shaping collaboration networks and research futures

Improving our understanding of the role researchers play in forming collaborative networks, can allow for more effective administration of the network to maximise research benefits. This includes the increased integration of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries, increased research productivity and innovation.

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Read more about the article Learners experience ‘biodiversity in action’ with Iimbovane
Participants at the “Big on Biodiversity” workshop, held from 27 June – 1 July 2016 in Stellenbosch (Photo credit: Sophia Turner)

Learners experience ‘biodiversity in action’ with Iimbovane

The Western Cape has a lot to boast about when it comes to biodiversity, and who better to inform than the youth who will be protecting it one day! In support of this, the Iimbovane Outreach Project hosted a “Big on Biodiversity” workshop at the C·I·B, Stellenbosch University.

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