Read more about the article Understanding different types of uncertainty in invasion science is crucial for effective management
The co-authors during the retreat that provided the perfect environment to nurture these reflexions. (Photo Credit: Sophia Turner)

Understanding different types of uncertainty in invasion science is crucial for effective management

Uncertainty is part and parcel of any scientific field. The point of scientific research is to acquire knowledge and to deal with different types of uncertainty to improve our understanding of natural phenomena and help us make projections about the future.

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Read more about the article Prioritising areas for invasive alien plant management in an urban setting
The figure shows overall priority areas for the management of invasive alien plants across the City of Cape Town, South Africa.

Prioritising areas for invasive alien plant management in an urban setting

Factors related to human safety and security are most important when prioritising areas for invasive alien plant (IAP) management across the Cape Town metro.

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Read more about the article How are invasive alien plants perceived by urban residents?
An urban park wetland covered in a dense mat of Parrot’s feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) (Photo: LJ Potgieter)

How are invasive alien plants perceived by urban residents?

Invasive alien plants (IAPs) and their management are perceived both negatively and positively by urban residents, but these perceptions are shaped by individuals’ socio-demographic characteristics.

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Read more about the article Barriers to restoration presented by soil legacy effects
How to combine potential management actions to address barriers to restoration presented by soil legacy effects of invasive alien N2-fixing woody species into an integrated management effort to improve restoration outcomes. (Graphic from Nsikani et al., 2018)

Barriers to restoration presented by soil legacy effects

The soil legacy effects of invasive nitrogen fixing woody species can present several barriers to the restoration of native plant communities. This was the finding of a recent review paper by C·I·B PhD student, Mlungele Nsikani, and C·I·B Core Team Members, Brian van Wilgen and Mirijam Gaertner, in the journal Restoration Ecology.

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C·I·B researchers assess the threat of alien plant species to the Serengeti

A recent study by C·I·B research fellow Dr Arne Witt and core team member Prof Brian van Wilgen, has found that over 50 alien plant species have established naturalised populations in the iconic Serengeti-Mara ecosystem in Kenya and Tanzania.

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