Read more about the article Understanding Parthenium invasions: the role of stocking rates in savannas
The inconspicuous annual Parthenium hysterophorus (left) and an example of the dense monospecific stands Parthenium forms in overgrazed savannas of the Lowveld (right) (Photo credit: Blair Cowie).

Understanding Parthenium invasions: the role of stocking rates in savannas

A recent study by former C·I·B PhD student Dr Blair Cowie and C·I·B Core Team member Prof Marcus Byrne investigated the invasion dynamics of Parthenium hysterophorus in Lowveld savanna reserves with differing stocking rates.

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Read more about the article Controlling famine weed under elevated CO2: a troubling future ahead?
Famine weed (Parthenium hysterophorus) stands to benefit in terms of both growth and reproduction under elevated CO2 levels. These increases in growth are likely to make the weed less susceptible to herbicides, particularly glyphosate, in the future (Graphic by Blair Cowie).

Controlling famine weed under elevated CO2: a troubling future ahead?

A paper published in the journal Pest Management Science showed that herbicide is likely to become less effective in controlling the invasive famine weed (Parthenium hysterophorus) in the future as CO2 levels rise.

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