Read more about the article Hybridisation, Competition and Predation: threats to one species of Xenopus from another
The small Cape platanna, Xenopus gilli, is Endangered in its small range in the Western Cape (Photo credit: John Measey)

Hybridisation, Competition and Predation: threats to one species of Xenopus from another

The most recent assessment suggests that the Cape platanna is Endangered, but that instead the decline being fuelled by habitat loss, it is now the threat from hybridisation, competition and predation by the African clawed frog.

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Read more about the article New protocol helps identify and categorise environmental impacts of alien species
The mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) has massive impact through hybridisation. (Photo credit: By WPPilot - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

New protocol helps identify and categorise environmental impacts of alien species

A new protocol for identifying and categorising the environmental impacts of alien species may help invasion biologists to complete a global stocktake on the environmental impacts of all known alien species by 2020.

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Read more about the article Why do some frogs eat other frogs?
Photo by Les Minter shows a juvenile African bullfrog eating another (less fortunate) individual.

Why do some frogs eat other frogs?

Normally, frogs eat small invertebrates that easily fit into their mouths, but studies of stomach contents have shown that they sometimes eat eggs, tadpoles and even adults of other frogs. What are the conditions under which frogs eat frogs?

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Endemic fish threatened by predatory impacts of rainbow trout

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is among the most widely introduced fish in rivers of the Cape Floristic Region, and may pose a serious threat to endemic fish such as redfin minnows, members of the genus Pseudobarbus, which are a unique and vulnerable group of freshwater fishes. In the Cape Floristic Region alone, there are twelve species of redfin minnow, some of which live in only a single river or stretch of river. Nine Cape minnow species face a serious threat of extinction by introduced predatory fish, such as trout.

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