Read more about the article River red gum in South Africa – towards a national management strategy
Invasion by river red gum along the Berg River (Hermon area, Western Cape). Photo credit: Graham Harding

River red gum in South Africa – towards a national management strategy

In a recent review published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, a diverse team of researchers led by C·I·B postdoctoral fellow Heidi Hirsch compiled comprehensive information on the past and current status of river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) in South Africa.

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Read more about the article Unravelling the genetic structure across the native range of the globally invasive tree silver wattle
The globally invasive tree Acacia dealbata, commonly known as silver wattle, in its native range Australia. (Photo credit: Fiona Impson).

Unravelling the genetic structure across the native range of the globally invasive tree silver wattle

In a recent paper published in the journal Tree Genetics & Genomes, C·I·B post-doctoral associate, Heidi Hirsch, and co-authors investigated the genetic structure among the native populations of the Australian tree Acacia dealbata, commonly known as silver wattle.

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Read more about the article Prioritising areas for invasive alien plant management in an urban setting
The figure shows overall priority areas for the management of invasive alien plants across the City of Cape Town, South Africa.

Prioritising areas for invasive alien plant management in an urban setting

Factors related to human safety and security are most important when prioritising areas for invasive alien plant (IAP) management across the Cape Town metro.

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Read more about the article How are invasive alien plants perceived by urban residents?
An urban park wetland covered in a dense mat of Parrot’s feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) (Photo: LJ Potgieter)

How are invasive alien plants perceived by urban residents?

Invasive alien plants (IAPs) and their management are perceived both negatively and positively by urban residents, but these perceptions are shaped by individuals’ socio-demographic characteristics.

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