Onderneming | Pledge
Volg hierdie skakel vir die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid se Onderneming.
Follow this link for the Faculty of Law Pledge.
Juridiese Vereniging | Juridicial Society
The Juridicial Society represents the interests of law students in the Faculty and in the University. Its representatives serve on various Faculty committees, such as the Teaching & Learning Committee and the Programme Committee. Members of the Juridicial Society also serve on the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law and the Academic Affairs Council of the University. Each year the Juridicial Society arranges a number of events including Law Week, Employers Week and a Moot Court.
Juridiese Vereniging 2023-2024 | Juridicial Society 2023-2024
Alexia Jade Cawood (Voorsitter | Chairperson)
Phenyo Lewanika (Onder Voorsitter | Vice Chair)
Alexandra Helette Maartens (Sekretaris-Generaal | Secretary-General)
Dajoon Kim (Tesourier | Treasurer)
Nathan Paul Smith (Geleentheidsbestuurder | Events Manager)
Karla Hofmeister (Studenteverryking | Student Enrichment)
Rowan Lindeque (Openbare Betrekkinge Beampte | Public Relations Officer)
Marthinus van Niekerk (Studentesakebeampte | Student Affairs Officer)
Joy Mbalenhle Hlatshwayo (Transformasiebeampte | Transformasiebeampte)
Dominique White (Media- en Bemarkingsbeampte | Media & Marketing)
Kontakbesonderhede | Contact Details
E-pos | Email: Nina Hugo at 23809949@sun.ac.za
Besoek ons webwerf | Visit our website: www.sun.ac.za/jv
Click HERE to join us on Facebook
Students for Law and Social Justice (SLSJ)
The Students for Law and Social Justice (SLSJ) is a student-based civil society organization which seeks to engage Stellenbosch students and the surrounding community in order to build a socially conscious generation that will contribute towards the promotion of constitutional values, access to justice and the realization of socio-economic rights. We aim to achieve this through community service, programs, and events.
Kontakbesonderhede | Contact Details
E-pos/E-mail: slsj.maties@gmail.com
Twitter: @MatiesSlsj
Instagram: @slsj_maties
Facebook: SLSJ Maties
Black Lawyers Association Student Chapter – Stellenbosch University (BLAsc SU)
The Black Lawyers Association Student Chapter Stellenbosch University (“BLAsc SU”) was founded as an organisation of students, committed to the ideals of democracy, freedom and fundamental human rights. It is governed by and adheres to the policies of the Black Lawyers Association and the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. As a student chapter, our vision is to play an active role in addressing injustice, building and defending our fledgling democracy. We strive to achieve fundamental social change through practice & policies that will benefit previously disadvantaged persons and communities. The student chapter shall take its rightful place in the affairs of the country and of the University by providing critical debates and an advisory role where needed.
Kontakbesonderhede | Contact Details
E-pos | E-mail: blascstellenbosch@gmail.com