Read more about the article Bugweed biocontrol – weevil thrives in coastal but not inland areas
The flowerbud weevil (Anthonomus santacruzi) destroys the flowers and flower buds of the invasive bugweed (Solanum mauritianum), thereby preventing fruit set and contributing to biological control in climatically suitable areas in South Africa. (Photo credit: Adam Shuttleworth)

Bugweed biocontrol – weevil thrives in coastal but not inland areas

The flowerbud weevil (Anthonomus santacruzi), which was released in South Africa to reduce fruit production by the invasive bugweed (Solanum mauritianum), is thriving in the coastal regions of KwaZulu-Natal but merely ‘hanging in’ in its inland areas.

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How many alien species would we expect to find in an area?

A key question in invasion biology is why some regions have more alien species than others. This is likely to depend on features of the local environment, but how humans influence the invasion process is likely to matter as well.

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Integrative research for invasive alien plant management: Crossing disciplinary and societal boundaries

Biological invasions are a major threat to already complex social-ecological systems and require the integration of knowledge from various disciplines and stakeholders. Accordingly, there have been strong calls for integrated approaches to developing solutions that address the threat.

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Read more about the article Invasive frog claims another continent
Traps out in the evening at the side of the aquaculture area. These simple bucket traps are baited with chicken livers to attract the African clawed frogs. (Photo credit: John Measey)

Invasive frog claims another continent

A new population of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) has become established on mainland China, according to a new publication by C·I·B Core Team Member, John Measey.

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