Read more about the article What can we learn about predicting impacts of alien predators from a globally invasive crab?
The number of mussel prey eaten by European shore crabs in native and various alien regions. (Graphic: Howard et al., 2018)

What can we learn about predicting impacts of alien predators from a globally invasive crab?

Because resources for addressing environmental problems are limited, it has been suggested that management should focus on those species that have the highest impacts in their new environments. Comparing the ability of alien and native species to utilize resources has been shown to offer a sound approach for identifying alien species with high impacts.

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Read more about the article Study examines local knowledge regarding ecosystem services and disservices from invasive alien plants in the Kalahari
A garden with prickly pear (important for fruit fodder and hedging, but a health hazard, a pepper tree (important for shade and medicinal purposes), and syringa (important for shade but a health threat and a “messy” tree). (Photo credit: Ross Shackleton)

Study examines local knowledge regarding ecosystem services and disservices from invasive alien plants in the Kalahari

Understanding the trade-offs of invasive alien species for people’s livelihoods and the environment is becoming more prominent to help guide management and to avoid conflicts. One way of framing these benefits and costs are as ecosystem services and disservices.

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Read more about the article African Union recognises world leader in invasion biology
Prof Dave Richardson

African Union recognises world leader in invasion biology

Prof Dave Richardson from the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology (CIB) at Stellenbosch University (SU) and a world leading scientist in the field of invasion biology, is the recipient of the 2018 Kwame Nkrumah Award for Scientific Excellence.

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Read more about the article We might underestimate impacts of alien grasses in South Africa due to limited data availability
Dallas grass (Paspalum dilatatum) invading cultivated hey grass at the Cedara Research Centre, KwaZulu-Natal. (Photo credit: Khensani Nkuna)

We might underestimate impacts of alien grasses in South Africa due to limited data availability

Alien grasses occurring in South Africa have been associated with negative environmental and socio-economic impact across the globe. Some grasses can increase the intensity and frequency of fires due to their large biomass, and many grass species invade areas such as agricultural land leading to reduced crop yield and quality.

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Read more about the article How to sample recreational vessels for marine alien fouling species
GoPro images of A) Koebraa Peters controlling the ROV from the surface; B) ROV collecting a visual sample from a niche area of a yacht; C) the diver recording alien species detected from diver visual samples and D) an ROV image of the diver collecting a scrape sample from a yacht hull. (Photo credits: Koebraa Peters)

How to sample recreational vessels for marine alien fouling species

The most effective method to sample recreational vessels for marine alien fouling species is to combine diver-based and lab-based methods, a study reported. Published in the Journal of Environmental Management, the study was conducted by C·I·B Post-doctoral associate, Koebraa Peters, C·I·B Core Team Member, Tammy Robinson and SANBI’s Marine Programme Manager, Kerry Sink.

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