Read more about the article Impacts of alien acacias assessed in a standardised framework
Acacia saligna or commonly known as Port Jackson (Photo credit: Suzaan Kritzinger-Klopper)

Impacts of alien acacias assessed in a standardised framework

A study by former C·I·B Hons student, Cally Jansen and C·I·B Core Team Member, Dr Sabrina Kumschick used acacias introduced to South Africa as a case study to compare expert assessments with evidence-based impact assessments.

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Read more about the article Impacts of invasive alien species in South Africa reviewed
The number of (A) invasive alien species across broad taxonomic and life-form groupings for which ecological impacts have been quantified in South Africa; and (B) the number of published studies on each group.

Impacts of invasive alien species in South Africa reviewed

A review of the peer-reviewed literature was undertaken at the Centre for Invasion Biology (C·I·B) to determine the level of understanding of the impacts of invasions of all taxonomic groups in all natural and semi-natural ecosystems in South Africa.

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Read more about the article Addressing uncertainty in impact assessments for alien species
Participants at the workshop held in Melbourne, Australia in 2018. (Picture supplied by Melodie McGeoch)

Addressing uncertainty in impact assessments for alien species

Impact classification schemes for alien taxa are becoming more prominent as the threats posed by biological invasions increase. A recent study found that despite a high variety of uncertainties occurring in impact assessments, some of which cannot be eliminated easily, communicating their existence, cause and variety can lead to more useful and reliable outcomes of impact assessments.

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IUCN launches new standard for impact classification of alien taxa

On 15th September 2020 at the Neobiota conference, the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa - EICAT for short - was officially launched as a new Standard of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

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Read more about the article Impacts of snails and slugs as alien species
The African giant land snail (Achatina fulica) is one of the most devastating snails globally as it has decimated native snails on islands. It has not been reported as alien in South Africa to this date, but it is common in the pet trade. (Photo credit: By Thomas Brown [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)]

Impacts of snails and slugs as alien species

Even though snails and slugs (gastropods) are some well-known agricultural pests, environmental systems are more vulnerable to alien gastropod impacts. A recent study by C·I·B Hons student, David Kesner and C·I·B Core Team Member, Dr Sabrina Kumschick, at Stellenbosch University on this topic was published in the journal Ecology and Evolution.

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