Read more about the article Taxonomy and introduction histories of non-native Prosopis populations for their effective management
Members of the research team during a fieldwork expedition in Ethiopia. From the left is Prof. Brian van Wilgen (C·I·B Core Team Member), Prof. Jaco Le Roux (C·I·B Research Associate) and Dr. María Loreto Castillo (C·I·B PhD graduate). (Photo provided by Prof. Brian van Wilgen)

Taxonomy and introduction histories of non-native Prosopis populations for their effective management

Trees in the genus Prosopis (known as mesquite) have been widely planted outside of their native ranges in many countries, and many species are now among the world’s worst woody invasives. The genus contains 44 species from the Americas, South West Asia and North Africa, and several have become major problems in South and East Africa.

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Investigating ecological effects of polyploidization in a cosmopolitan grass genus

Polyploidization, the process whereby an organism receives two whole copies of its parents’ genomes (instead of half of each parents’ genome), is very common among plants and is thought to be an important mechanism for creating new species (polyploids).

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Read more about the article The role of polyploidy in facilitating plant invasions
Oxalis pes-caprae is a winter-growing geophyte indigenous to South Africa and invading Europe, North America and Australia. Sexual tetraploids predominate in the native range, whereas asexual pentaploids predominate in the introduced ranges. Photograph: Jan Suda

The role of polyploidy in facilitating plant invasions

Much remains to be understood about why some introduced species become invasive whereas others do not. Recently, polyploidy (whole genome duplication) has been proposed as an important determinant of invasiveness in plants.

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