New book edited by C∙I∙B researcher shines light on invasive birds
A new book is the first to give a comprehensive overview of invasive bird species and their management.
A new book is the first to give a comprehensive overview of invasive bird species and their management.
Trees in the genus Prosopis (known as mesquite) have been widely planted outside of their native ranges in many countries, and many species are now among the world’s worst woody invasives. The genus contains 44 species from the Americas, South West Asia and North Africa, and several have become major problems in South and East Africa.
The fires that started on 18 April 2021 on the slopes of Table Mountain in South Africa destroyed several buildings on the campus of the University of Cape Town. These included the Jagger Library, as well as the restaurant at Rhodes Memorial, the historic Mostert’s Mill, and several residential houses. This was a tragic event that will affect many people for a long time.
Global agricultural trade is the single biggest pathway of introduction of alien invertebrates and microorganisms. Each imported grain, fruit, vegetable, plant or flower may be carrying a host of unseen and unwanted passengers – including insects, mites, fungi or viruses.
When there is an abundance of food options at a buffet, how do you pick what to eat? Invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) disproportionately eat whatever food is most abundant. This was the finding of a recent study by C·I·B post-doctoral researcher, Josie South...